North Simcoe Cemeteries: Tombstone MR09P04-5350

"At rest"
Peter S. Campbell
Jan. 1, 1844 - Mar. 9, 1919
His wife
Diana Haughton
July 11, 1851 - Dec. 11, 1940
Mabel Campbell
Aug. 16, 1883 - April 15, 1932
Agnes J. Campbell
Jan. 11, 1881 - Feb. 26, 1962
Wife of John N. Carter
"At rest"
Peter S. Campbell
Jan. 1, 1844 - Mar. 9, 1919
His wife
Diana Haughton
July 11, 1851 - Dec. 11, 1940
Mabel Campbell
Aug. 16, 1883 - April 15, 1932
Agnes J. Campbell
Jan. 11, 1881 - Feb. 26, 1962
Wife of John N. Carter
Agnes J. Campbell
Agnes J. Carter
Diana Campbell
Diana Haughton
John N. Carter
Mabel Campbell
Peter S. Campbell
Waubaushene Protestant
13691 Hwy 12
Waubaushene, ON
L0K 2C0
Tay Township
Tombstone: MR09P04-5350